Overview: Online IONM Learningmodule I, Basics
Competence for Safety Safety for Excellence
For your understanding, we have compiled relevant basic knowledge from various areas; what has already been learned during the course is repeated and efficiently integrated.
Scientific Board
Lucia Ucsnik, MD, MAS, FECSM & DI(FH) Stefan Wüger, MSc.
Didactic Consultation and CoachGudrun Khünl-Brady-Ertl, MD, MSc.
Acquire basic knowledge about
The knowledge check will be executed by means of multiple or single choice questions.
If you answered 80% correctly, you have successfully completed this module.
After completing Module 1 – Basic you will be awarded with
as a sign of admission into the THE IONM Academy Member-Family!
1% of your course fee will be used for awarding research projects in the field of intraoperative neuromonitoring and nerve- /brain-sparing surgery.
1% of your course fee will be used for renewable, "green" projects leaving a positive ecological foot-print.
With intraoperative neuromonitoring, neurostimulation and neuromapping
you'll never walk alone !
Where diagnostic imaging does not provide assessable results for the surgical intervention, intraoperative neuromonitoring, neuromapping and neurostimulation on nerve-/ brain structures during surgical interventions reliably assists you for your safety and also the safety of your patients. It supports by providing orientation signals about the actual anatomical structure on the operating area.
After successfully completing Module 1, you will enter the operating room for your surgical interventions equipped with basic background knowledge about intraoperative neuromonitoring, -stimulation and mapping.
1) Solid foundation laid
You know the physiological mechanisms by which stimuli are transmitted in nerve and brain structures. During surgical interventions, it is now possible for you to see what may influence the correct functions.
2) Understanding built
You can derive electrophysiological signals and differentiate more easily between healthy, damaged or pathological brain /nerve structure.
3) Possibility of surgical assistance for operating interventions with intraoperative neuromonitoring
By deriving signals, you can already make a first conclusions about the meaning and consequences for the further intra-operative procedure. You will be able to develop and adapt intraoperative strategies in order to assess existing damage and to prevent possible future damage caused by the surgical procedure.
Competence for Safety Safety for Excellence
Gudrun Khünl-Brady-Ertl,
MD, MSc.
Responsible for Medical training,
Tutor, Mentor, Coach
Quality Manager, Medical Didactic Expert
Further development of medical education
Speaker and supervisor at universities of applied sciences
Organizer of national and international scientific events, courses and congresses
Scientific papers and publications
Head of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research on Physiological Rhythms, Bad Tatzmannsdorf
President of GAMED, successor of the founding president
Father, grandfather of three school-age grandchildren
Reference to intraoperative NeuroMonitoring as well as nerve- and brain-sparing OP concepts and techniques:
„Integrative medicine connects the relation of human beings in health and disease in the context between human being and daily environments’ challenges and demands. This field of medicine does not separate and differ physiologic nor psychic factors but perceives human beings as physiologic-psychologic entity.”
Ao. Univ. Prof. Wolfgang Marktl, MD has been researching and lecturing at the medical university Vienna since 1986 (Medical Faculty as well as Medical University Vienna after it was founded). He still lectures for more than 80 students at the University of Applied Sciences, Vienna.
Additionally, he runs the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research in Physiologic Rhythms, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria. Since 2003 he is president of the Viennese International Academy of Integrative Medicine, GAMED.
His extraordinary scientific contributions are more than 1000 national and international lectures in the field of physiology such as nutrition, metabolic physiology, cure medicine, medical climatology, balneology, chrono-biology and integrative medicine as well as more than 310 scientific publications.
He is not only a lecturing member of THE IONM ACADEMY, but also a luminary in the field of preventive and holistic medicine. Benefit from his knowledge on the subject of health promotion, prevention and recovery!
Further development of medical education
International lecturer
Board member "The White Matters" – NGO promoting medical and scientific research
Development of intra-operative neuromonitoring teams
Member of the ISIN
Father of two children, 3 and 5 years old
Reference to intraoperative neuromonitoring as well as nerve-sparing and brain-sparing OP concepts and techniques:
„In many surgical procedures parts of the nerval systems are at high risk to be impaired or even damaged“. Intra-operative neuromonitoring, neurostimulation and neuromapping (IONM or IOM) describe many methods how to monitor and thus to protect the integrity of nerves, nerval tracts or brain function during surgical procedures. Well-targeted and precise applied intraoperative neuromonitoring increases the surgeon’s self-confidence and provides safety for successful surgical results.”
Markus Hoffermann successfully performed more than 600 intraoperatively neuromonitored neurosurgical procedures within the last 12 years. Due to his long-term expertise he supported to build teams in the field of intraoperative neuromonitoring in Austria.
The international meetings of the scientific NGO “The White Matters” attracted medical experts interested and fascinated in the field from all over the world. The meetings were sold out within minutes.
As a lecturing member of THE IONM ACADEMY, he provides insights into the possibilities of the IONM procedures and supports you in setting your goal of reducing the risk of neurological damage at best possible through intraoperative neuromonitoring.
"The early detection of an impending damage as well as intraoperative monitoring make it easier for you to operate successfully on nerves and brain and therefore to ensure function without damage."
Medical Doctor, Mentor, Reformer, Innovator, Speaker
Health Economist, Hospital Manager
General, holistic and preventive medicine, sexual medicine
On the training path for surgery with disciplined filing of surgical skills and techniques through numerous international and national skills courses in Davos, Pontressina, Innsbruck, Salzburg and Vienna
One of 800 Fellows of the European Society for Sexual Medicine internationally in the field of visceral and aortic/vascular and transplant surgery
Research and specialization focus: connecting surgery to sexual medicine, nervesparing surgical techniques
Since 2014 dealing with IONM, 2016 establishment of IONM at the Medical University of Vienna
Further development of medical education
Since 1997 contributions to the largest reform of medical studies in Austria since the 19th century
Since 2001 annual teaching and tutoring at the Medical University of Vienna but also at other national and international training institutions
from 2005 - 2012 establishment of mentoring of talents, high potentials and high performer in health and social systems, focus on Austria and SE Europe
Since 1997 reform of medical education in Austria
Since 2005 founding president of Club Alpbach Medica, an association for the promotion of talents, high potentials and high performers in Austria's health and social systems
2006 - 2012 member of the Council of the European Forum Alpbach
Since 2015 board member of the Austrian Society for University Didactics, ÖGHD
Since 2016 member of the board of GAMED
2019 Founding President of the International Network for Sexual Health Care
No children, 2 therapy dogs, 3 therapy cats
References to intraoperative neuromonitoring and nerve- and brain-sparing surgical concepts and techniques:
“Me striving for surgical and nerve-sparing excellence, already started in the early phase of surgical training. Training and improving surgical skills was part from my first year in surgery. By assisting surgical procedures with each surgical procedure you get step by step closer to your goals. The experience and lessons learned influence pre-surgical patients’ information telling, preoperative patients' preparation and diagnostics, intra-operatively the surgical strategies you put into actions, the choice of surgical concepts and postoperatively the concepts for recovery and by this also and patients’ quality of life.“
IONM is well established in the field of thyroid gland surgical procedures. In the field of coloptroctology and surgical oncology it is quite new. Here Lucia Ucsnik contributed and spread the important topic thanks to being accepted in international top-expert-working groups but also via symposia organized and her research-grant awarded by the European Society for Sexual Medicine.
In the field of abdominal and thoracic aortic and vascular surgery the implementation of IONM in daily surgical routine is still in an experimental phase but gained high attention via the international symposium organized at European level in 2019.
Holistic concepts and sustainable treatment strategies and approaches integrate all kinds of health care professions and discplines needed throughout the whole process of treatment: from the choice of anesthesia-methods up to the options physical therapy and rehabilitation concepts offer post- surgery.
Lucia Ucsnik, MD, MAS, FECSM started her surgical training at university clinic of the Medical University Vienna in a quite aged phase of life after phases of life working in hospital management at CEO- and medical director level at the age of 27 years and politics at federal level at the age of 31 years. Her vision in surgical research is to build bridges between the disciplines of surgery and sexual medicine.
After finishing her medical studies and starting to work in hospital management and politics she built the path for contemporary medical didactic, mentoring and applied sciences.
Organizing international outstanding multidisciplinary and multiprofessional symposia in 2015, 2016 and 2019 she turned to the topics of sexual health following WHO-definition as well as surgical oncology, nerve-sparing surgical procedures and options offered via the support of IONM / IOM.
She is excellently connected with more than 25 national and international medical scientific societies and, thus, excellently connected. She held more than 100 lectures at huge international congresses during her 6 years of training as a junior doctor as well as small closed top-expert-meetings as resident-phase of surgical training.
In 2015 she came across enriching possibilities of intraoperative neuro-monitoring, -stimulation and mapping on the mission to preserve the sexual function as well as the continence of stool and urine and to maintain a high quality of life via nerve-sparing surgical interventions in the pelvis - especially in the rectum area always in sight for patients.
As a co-founder of IHAG - International Health Academy Ltd. and speaker of THE IONM ACADEMY , she gives you insights and shares her wealth of experience in establishing and anchoring the possibilities, opportunities and degrees of freedom that IONM offers you.
In the conception of the academy but also the compilation of the lecture contents, the selection of the lecturers and communication channels, the focus was – and still is - on high-quality and contemporary medical didactics by offering new ways of conveying knowledge from the start.
The goal is always joyful learning with new degrees of freedom despite of a demanding professional life, regardless of the phase of life in which the students of THE IONM ACADEMY find themselves. From people in training to top experts - our fascinating THE IONM ACADEMY -Universe should be entertaining and free of inconvenience!
Passionate Surgeon in Training
Symposium "Sexual Health in Cancer Patients",
D-AUT-CH-Symposium "Der erregte Mensch - Neurostimulation interdisziplinär", 2016
1st "Happy Pelvis Prize", awarding a grant for the participation at the European School for Sexual Medicine, Budapest
Igsl-Vienna-SexMed-Survey started 2017
European Congress, EFR 2019
"The Excited Human 2.0 - Neurostimulation Interdisziplinary
Biomedical Engineering
in 2001 in Austria he was one of the first in in the field of intraoperative neuromonitoring in theory and application
numerous specializations in IONM in Austria, Germany, USA
from 2010 on international professional engagement in the field of IONM
Further development of medical-technical training
Training of medical technicians and doctors
IONM - Application specialist with more than 1.500 IONM - applications
Greater Europe (Europe, Africa, Middle East, former Soviet Union, South India)
Building IONM teams
Father of two children, 6 and 8 years old
References in intraoperative neuromonitoring as well as nerve-sparing surgical concepts and techniques
„For 20 years I’ve been involved in the field of intra-operative neuro-monitoring on four continents.
In 2001 I applied IONM in surgical procedures in the thyroid gland, but I was not aware of the importance and relevance of this intra-operative method to ensure brain- and nerval function.
I just marginally took notice that IONM was one of the first important possabilities and methods to prevent aphonia in the course of surgical procedures in the thyroid gland and thus ensured patients’ voice. From a biomedical technician’s perspective it was just another interesting method to measure at the beginning.
By enlarging the field my professional activity in the field of orthopedics I more and more realized how important it is to correctly monitor for patients’ further quality of life. Ever since then I developed my passion to share my knowledge and spread it amongst the method’s applicants and make it accessable.”
DI (FH) Stefan Wüger, MSc. trained biomedical and medical specialists in more than 10.000 hours of training, did presentations and supported surgical procedures within the last 19 years. Thanks to his long-time international professional activity his network reaches from the USA up to New Zealand.
As co-founcer of the IHAG - International Health Academy Ltd and lecturing member of the THE IONM ACADEMYhe provides insights in technical aspects of IONM / IOM. He shares his long-term experience in order to provide expertise on how to overcome boundaries before and during surgical procedures in the operating theatre. He’s interested to introduce you the IONM - methods as how to apply and implement them as easy as possible in daily professional surgical.